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Real-Time Time-Dependent DFT with NEO

In this tutorial, we simulate an excited-state proton transfer in an o-hydroxybenzaldehyde (oHBA) molecule, demonstrating how to run real-time time-dependent DFT with NEO (RT-NEO-TDDFT).

More details about RT-NEO-TDDFT calculations can be found in the following papers:

J. Xu, et al., "First-Principles Approach for Coupled Quantum Dynamics of Electrons and Protons in Heterogeneous Systems", Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 238002 (2023)

J. Xu, et al., "Lagrangian Formulation of Nuclear-Electronic Orbital Ehrenfest Dynamics with Real-time TDDFT for Extended Periodic Systems".


We are going to cover:

  1. Prepare the file: Set up the structural file, including ghost basis centers.
  2. Prepare the file: Configure parameters for the RT-NEO-TDDFT calculation with HOMO to LUMO excitation. A valid is provided at the end.
  3. Extra information: Additional optional parameters and instructions for Ehrefest dynamics.
  4. Check the results: go throught the output files for energies, positions, densities.

Prepare the file

In this tutorial, we used restricted optimized structure of oHBA in its excited state. To model the proton transfer process with RT-NEO-TDDFT and ensure sufficient basis functions, we included three additional ghost proton basis function centers (indicated by empty), along with the proton basis function center located at the optimized proton position in the excited state. An example of file is provided below:

atom   -1.310008    1.258755    0.000000 C      
atom    0.019289    0.780580    0.000000 C      
atom    0.322586   -0.621636    0.000000 C      
atom   -0.761283   -1.465586    0.000000 C      
atom   -2.125342   -0.985468    0.000000 C      
atom   -2.398971    0.362640    0.000000 C      
atom    1.008708    1.658363    0.000000 O      
atom    1.725826   -1.062678    0.000000 C      
atom    2.682115   -0.219090    0.000000 O      
atom   -3.414260    0.733314    0.000000 H      
atom   -0.596742   -2.537818    0.000000 H      
atom   -2.926679   -1.713458    0.000000 H      
atom   -1.459388    2.331114    0.000000 H      
atom    1.924136   -2.138192    0.000000 H      
atom    1.844187    1.135044    0.000000 H      
empty   1.981048    0.913868    0.000000 H
empty   2.117910    0.692694    0.000000 H 
empty   2.366459    0.659685    0.000000 H
Empty Site in FHI-aims

In FHI-aims, a ghost atom or an empty site, where only the basis functions (but not the nucleus) of a given species are placed, is specified by the keywordempty. An empty site is a pure basis function center with no mass, no charge, or other nuclear properties.

One should avoid using empty for physical reasons if structure relaxation is requested.

In RT-NEO-TDDFT, the empty option can be helpful for modeling proton transfer events when protons move far from their original locationm, and a single localized basis function center for each quantum proton is not sufficient to describe the dynamics.

Prepare the file

Electron Input

Similar to running a NEO-DFT calculation with FHI-aims, the electronic part of an RT-NEO-TDDFT simulation is configured the same way as in a conventional real-time TDDFT (RT-TDDFT) calculation. Below is a brief overview of the electron input settings.

xc                          pbe
relativistic                none
override_illconditioning    .true.
RT_TDDFT_input_units atomic
RT_TDDFT_propagation 500 0.2 2
RT_TDDFT_propagator exponential_midpoint
RT_TDDFT_output_energies T T
RT_TDDFT_write_file_prefix oHBA 

The DFT section describes the physical system, including exchange-correlation functional and relativistic effects. We use the PBE exchange-correlation functional for this non-relativistic calculation. The override_illconditioning flag is turned on to prevent numerical warnnings, as the empty sites (ghost atoms) are packed closely together.

The second section contains RT-TDDFT parameters. The RT_TDDFT_input_units is a mandatory flag to avoid unit confusion, specifying atomic to ensure all inputs — such as time and external fields — are in atomic units.

The RT_TDDFT_propagation command initiates the RT-TDDFT after the DFT ground state is obtained. It specifies the total simulation time for propagation, the time step for propagation, and the time step for output. The general syntax is:

RT_TDDFT_propagation t_tot dt_prop dt_output

The RT_TDDFT_propagator specify the numerical integration scheme. Here we use the expoential_midpoint options due to its simplicity. By default, this is set to crank_nicolson.

Possible Integration Schemes - Electrons
  • exponential_midpoint (EM): $$ U(t_k + \Delta t, t_k) = \exp\left( -i \Delta t \mathbf{S}^{-1} \mathbf{H}\left( t_k + \dfrac{\Delta t}{2} \right) \right) $$
  • crank_nicolson (CN): $$ U(t_k + \Delta t, t_k) = \left[ 1 - i\frac{ \Delta t}{2} \mathbf{S}^{-1} \mathbf{H}\left( t_k + \dfrac{\Delta t}{2} \right) \right] \left[ 1 + i\frac{ \Delta t}{2} \mathbf{S}^{-1} \mathbf{H}\left( t_k + \dfrac{\Delta t}{2} \right) \right]^{-1} $$
  • etrs (Enforced Time-Reverse symmetry): $$ U(t_k + \Delta t, t_k) = \exp\left( -i \frac{ \Delta t}{2} \mathbf{S}^{-1} \mathbf{H}\left( t_k + \Delta t \right) \right) \exp\left( -i \frac{ \Delta t}{2} \mathbf{S}^{-1} \mathbf{H}\left( t_k \right) \right) $$
  • cfm4 (Commutator-Free Magnus Expansion 4)
  • m4 (Magnus Expansion 4)
  • runge_kutta_4 (RK4)

In all above equations:

  • \(U(t_k + \Delta t, t_k)\) is the time propagation operator
  • \(\Delta t\) is the time step for propagation,
  • \(\mathbf{S}\) is the overlap matrix,
  • \(\mathbf{H}\left( t \right)\) is the Hamiltonian matrix evaluated at time \(t\)

The RT_TDDFT_output_energies T T command ensures that energy information is written both to the FHI-aims output stream and to an additional file. The RT_TDDFT_write_file_prefix parameter sets the prefix for all output files.

For more detailed instructions on configuring parameters for electrons in RT-TDDFT, please refer to the Real-Time Time-Dependent DFT Tutorial for FHI-aims.

NEO Input - Essential

To run RT-NEO-TDDFT, we can use the same settings as in the previous sections. Most of the real-time propagation information (e.g., timestep, external field and simulation time) for the proton subsystem is read from the electron input in

NEO_type                    2
NEO_basis_type              primitive
NEO_epc_type                17

NEO_scf_proton_max_step     20
NEO_proton_hartree_rcut     20

# density fitting
NEO_exchange_type           noRI
NEO_df_type                 0
NEO_df_l_max                6

NEO_rt_update_occ_electron  T
  H 15 
    s 4.0  1.000
    p 4.0  1.000
  H -16
    s 4.0  1.000
    p 4.0  1.000
  H -17
    s 4.0  1.000
    p 4.0  1.000
  H -18
    s 4.0  1.000
    p 4.0  1.000

To initiate RT-NEO-TDDFT calculations, we set NEO_type to 2. The NEO_epc_type is kept as epc17-2. We use the same density fitting setting as defined in the previous section 3.

To reduce computational cost for this RT-NEO-TDDFT tutorial, we use a minimal primitive Gaussian basis set, which contains only an s orbital and a p orbital with an exponent of 4. In the NEO_basis section, this basis set is assigned to the transferring hydrogen atom between the two oxygen atoms and all three empty sites. In practice, the basis set can be adjusted based on the desired accuracy.

NEO Basis for empty Sites

The syntax: H [index] is used to assign basis functions for a quantum proton with index in In the case of empty sites in, a negtive number of index is used for adding a ghost center without charge distributions.

To apply a initial exciation, we set the NEO_rt_update_occ_electron tag to .true.. This updates the electron occupation numbers, initiating the RT-NEO-TDDFT simulation with a specific electronic configuration. The new occupations should be provided in a file called

32 1
33 1        
i_state_1 occ_1 
i_state_2 occ_2 
i_state_N occ_N

This let us initiate the RT-NEO-TDDFT by promoting an electron from state 32 to state 33, i.e., the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbitial (LUMO).

External Field for RT-NEO-TDDFT

One can also apply an external field to RT-NEO-TDDFT using the same RT_TDDFT_td_field keyword used for electrons. The general syntax is:

RT_TDDFT_td_field t_start t_end type freq cycle center width Ex Ey Ez
For more informatiion, see the Real-Time Time-Dependent DFT Tutorial for FHI-aims. Full documentation is avalible in the current manual of FHI-aims.

Using the NEO_rt_ext_e_type flag to select: - none: Ignore the exteral inputs for the proton subsystem - scalar: Use scalar potential from RT_TDDFT_td_field for protons.

Before running the simulation, do not forget to attach the species defaults for O C and H. In this tutorial, we will use a light defaults NAO basis to reduce computational cost.

A valid for RT-NEO-TDDFT
    xc                  pbe
    override_illconditioning .true.

    RT_TDDFT_input_units atomic
    RT_TDDFT_propagation 500 0.2 2
    RT_TDDFT_propagator exponential_midpoint

    RT_TDDFT_output_energies T T
    RT_TDDFT_write_file_prefix oHBA

    NEO_type 2
    NEO_basis_type primitive
    NEO_epc_type   17
    NEO_exchange_type noRI

    # density fitting
    NEO_df_type 0
    NEO_df_l_max 6
    # basis

    # cut_off s
    NEO_proton_hartree_rcut 20
    # scf
    NEO_scf_proton_max_step 20

    NEO_rt_update_occ_electron T

    # pos in angstrom
    H 15 
        s 4.0  1.000
        p 4.0  1.000
    H -16
        s 4.0  1.000
        p 4.0  1.000
    H -17
        s 4.0  1.000
        p 4.0  1.000
    H -18
        s 4.0  1.000
        p 4.0  1.000
#  FHI-aims code project
#  VB, Fritz-Haber Institut, 2009
#  Suggested "light" defaults for H atom (to be pasted into file)
#  Be sure to double-check any results obtained with these settings for post-processing,
#  e.g., with the "tight" defaults and larger basis sets.
species        H
#     global species definitions
    nucleus             1
    mass                1.00794
    l_hartree           4
    cut_pot             3.5  1.5  1.0
    basis_dep_cutoff    1e-4
    radial_base         24 5.0
    radial_multiplier   1
    angular_grids       specified
    division   0.2421   50
    division   0.3822  110
    division   0.4799  194
    division   0.5341  302
#      division   0.5626  434
#      division   0.5922  590
#      division   0.6542  770
#      division   0.6868 1202
#      outer_grid  770
    outer_grid  302
#  Definition of "minimal" basis
#     valence basis states
    valence      1  s   1.
#     ion occupancy
    ion_occ      1  s   0.5
#  Suggested additional basis functions. For production calculations, 
#  uncomment them one after another (the most important basis functions are
#  listed first).
#  Basis constructed for dimers: 0.5 A, 0.7 A, 1.0 A, 1.5 A, 2.5 A
#  "First tier" - improvements: -1014.90 meV to -62.69 meV
    hydro 2 s 2.1
    hydro 2 p 3.5
#  "Second tier" - improvements: -12.89 meV to -1.83 meV
#     hydro 1 s 0.85
#     hydro 2 p 3.7
#     hydro 2 s 1.2
#     hydro 3 d 7
#  "Third tier" - improvements: -0.25 meV to -0.12 meV
#     hydro 4 f 11.2
#     hydro 3 p 4.8
#     hydro 4 d 9
#     hydro 3 s 3.2
#  FHI-aims code project
#  VB, Fritz-Haber Institut, 2009
#  Suggested "light" defaults for C atom (to be pasted into file)
#  Be sure to double-check any results obtained with these settings for post-processing,
#  e.g., with the "tight" defaults and larger basis sets.
species        C
#     global species definitions
    nucleus             6
    mass                12.0107
    l_hartree           4
    cut_pot             3.5  1.5  1.0
    basis_dep_cutoff    1e-4
    radial_base         34 5.0
    radial_multiplier   1
    angular_grids specified
    division   0.3326   50
    division   0.5710  110
    division   0.7727  194
    division   0.8772  302
#      division   0.9334  434
#      division   0.9625  590
#      division   0.9924  770
#      division   1.0230  974
#      division   1.4589 1202
#     outer_grid  974
    outer_grid 302
#  Definition of "minimal" basis
#     valence basis states
    valence      2  s   2.
    valence      2  p   2.
#     ion occupancy
    ion_occ      2  s   1.
    ion_occ      2  p   1.
#  Suggested additional basis functions. For production calculations, 
#  uncomment them one after another (the most important basis functions are
#  listed first).
#  Constructed for dimers: 1.0 A, 1.25 A, 1.5 A, 2.0 A, 3.0 A
#  "First tier" - improvements: -1214.57 meV to -155.61 meV
    hydro 2 p 1.7
    hydro 3 d 6
    hydro 2 s 4.9
#  "Second tier" - improvements: -67.75 meV to -5.23 meV
#     hydro 4 f 9.8
#     hydro 3 p 5.2
#     hydro 3 s 4.3
#     hydro 5 g 14.4
#     hydro 3 d 6.2
#  "Third tier" - improvements: -2.43 meV to -0.60 meV
#     hydro 2 p 5.6
#     hydro 2 s 1.4
#     hydro 3 d 4.9
#     hydro 4 f 11.2
#  "Fourth tier" - improvements: -0.39 meV to -0.18 meV
#     hydro 2 p 2.1
#     hydro 5 g 16.4
#     hydro 4 d 13.2
#     hydro 3 s 13.6
#     hydro 4 f 17.6
#  Further basis functions - improvements: -0.08 meV and below
#     hydro 3 s 2
#     hydro 3 p 6
#     hydro 4 d 20
#  FHI-aims code project
#  VB, Fritz-Haber Institut, 2009
#  Suggested "light" defaults for O atom (to be pasted into file)
#  Be sure to double-check any results obtained with these settings for post-processing,
#  e.g., with the "tight" defaults and larger basis sets.
species        O
#     global species definitions
    nucleus             8
    mass                15.9994
    l_hartree           4
    cut_pot             3.5  1.5  1.0
    basis_dep_cutoff    1e-4
    radial_base         36 5.0
    radial_multiplier   1
    angular_grids specified
    division   0.2659   50
    division   0.4451  110
    division   0.6052  194
    division   0.7543  302
#      division   0.8014  434
#      division   0.8507  590
#      division   0.8762  770
#      division   0.9023  974
#      division   1.2339 1202
#      outer_grid 974
    outer_grid 302
#  Definition of "minimal" basis
#     valence basis states
    valence      2  s   2.
    valence      2  p   4.
#     ion occupancy
    ion_occ      2  s   1.
    ion_occ      2  p   3.
#  Suggested additional basis functions. For production calculations, 
#  uncomment them one after another (the most important basis functions are
#  listed first).
#  Constructed for dimers: 1.0 A, 1.208 A, 1.5 A, 2.0 A, 3.0 A
#  "First tier" - improvements: -699.05 meV to -159.38 meV
    hydro 2 p 1.8
    hydro 3 d 7.6
    hydro 3 s 6.4
#  "Second tier" - improvements: -49.91 meV to -5.39 meV
#     hydro 4 f 11.6
#     hydro 3 p 6.2
#     hydro 3 d 5.6
#     hydro 5 g 17.6
#     hydro 1 s 0.75
#  "Third tier" - improvements: -2.83 meV to -0.50 meV
#     ionic 2 p auto
#     hydro 4 f 10.8
#     hydro 4 d 4.7
#     hydro 2 s 6.8
#  "Fourth tier" - improvements: -0.40 meV to -0.12 meV
#     hydro 3 p 5
#     hydro 3 s 3.3
#     hydro 5 g 15.6
#     hydro 4 f 17.6
#     hydro 4 d 14
# Further basis functions - -0.08 meV and below
#     hydro 3 s 2.1
#     hydro 4 d 11.6
#     hydro 3 p 16
#     hydro 2 s 17.2

Extra Information

This setion provides additional details that might be helpful for running RT-NEO-TDDFT simulations. You may skip this section if it is not directly applicable to your current task, as the following part is for informational purpose and is not used in this tutorial.

NEO Input - Extra

Below are some extra parameters that control the workflow of RT-NEO-TDDFT.

Proton Timestep

By default, the NEO subsystem uses the same time step as defined for the electron systems. However, you can control the proton timestep separately using the following command:

NEO_rt_propagate_n_step N
Here, the proton wavefuntion is propagated every N electron steps. Generally, N can be set greater than one due to the larger mass of protons as compared to electrons. However, if N is increased, you should check energy conservation to ensure stability.

Proton Propagator

The integrator for the proton subsystem can be selected with:

NEO_rt_propagator_type type
The available options are:

  • expoential_midpoint (EM): The exponential midpoint method. (Default)
  • EM_iter : Uses an iteratively predict-and-correct method until the convergence criteria set by NEO_rt_precor_tol are met
  • ruge_kutta_4 (RK4): The standard explicit Runge-Kutta 4 scheme. It works best with very small timesteps but is a good choice for accurate reference simulations due to its well-understood properties.

Proton Output

Output option includes:

  • NEO energy terms (on by default).
  • Dipole moment (on by default).
  • Expectation value of the position operators for individual proton (Kohn-sham) states .

These can be controlled with the following tags:

  • NEO_rt_output_energy
  • NEO_rt_output_dipole
  • NEO_rt_output_proton_center

To control the frequency of output, use:

NEO_rt_output_n_step N 
This outputs NEO-related data every N electron steps. Note that the output frequency is based on electron steps, not proton steps.

NEO Ehrefest dynamics

NEO Ehrefest dynamcis

NEO Ehrefest is a recently implemented feature. Use at your own risk!

Ehrenfest dynamics is also avaiable in NEO. To initate Ehrenfest dynamics, use the general syntax:

RT_TDDFT_ehrenfest default dt_prop dt_output
This starts an Ehrenfest dynamics calculation with NEO for both electrons and protons.

Restarting a RT-NEO-TDDFT calculation

To restart an RT-NEO-TDDFT calculation, you can use the following steps:

  1. Save necessary files: Ensure that you save all relevant files from the previous run, including electron and proton wavefunctions, coordinates and settings, etc. To write an restart file at a specific time t_write_restart, use the general syntax in

    RT_TDDFT_restart_write t_write_restart

  2. Use restart tag: Same as how conventional RT-TDDFT restarts are managed, include the restart option in your file. The general syntax is:

    RT_TDDFT_restart_read restart_file
    FHI-aims will run a NEO-SCF cycle, but the resulting eigenvectors and other necessary data will be overwritten from what is read from the restart files. Based on this, the RT-NEO-TDDFT simulation will be re-initialized. The restart file for NEO should be renamed as

  3. Modify parameters: Adjust timesteps or any other parameters, if necessary, for restarting the time-dependent propagation.

Check the Results

After the FHI-aims calculation is complete, your folder should contain:

Output Files

File name Description
oHBA.out FHI-aims output stream
neo.rt-tddft.dipole.dat NEO output file for dipole moment NEO output file for related energy terms FHI-aims output file for energy

The FHI-aims output stream contains running information about both the NEO-DFT SCF calculations and the real-time propagation. For example, a summary of the timing for RT-NEO-TDDFT can be found near the end of the file, as shown below:

 Final timings (s):                         CPU |              wall |     [amount]

  * Time propagation timings:
    Matrix operations:                  2.801E-01           2.750E-01         50020
    -> Eigensolver calculations:        0.000E+00           0.000E+00          5002
    Hamiltonian + density upd.:         3.090E+00           3.089E+00          2501
    Total:                              3.372E+00           3.368E+00
  * Remaining timings:
    Hamiltonian + density upd.:         3.095E+00           3.095E+00          5002
    Output:                             1.243E-02           6.000E-03
  Total:                                6.965E+00           6.960E+00

The file contains all the energy terms during the real-time propagation. The file contains the energy terms related to the proton subsystem. The total energy (the last column of is a good parameter to monitor to ensure everything is proceeding as expected.

By plotting the total energy as a function of time, you can visualize how the energy fluctuate over the course of the simulation. Here is an example plot:

Energy figure

In this case, the solid blue line shows how energy drifted during the simulation, changing by 0.12 eV throughout. We can reduce this drift by using tighter numerical settings, such as a finer basis functions and smaller timesteps for both electron and protons.

Next, we can examine the trajectory of the quantum proton using the file neo.rt-tddft.dipole.dat. Since we only have one quantum protons, the dipole moment also corresponds to the position operator of the proton. Using the position of the two oxygen atoms from, we can calcuate the distance between the quantum proton and the two oxygen atoms (acceptor and donor) and then plot them as a function of time.

Here is a PYTHON script (using matplotlib and numpy) to plot the distance:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

O1 = np.asarray([1.008708, 1.658363, 0.000000]) 
O2 = np.asarray([2.682115,-0.219090, 0.000000])
bohr = 0.529177

dipole = np.loadtxt("[path_to_your_folder]/neo.rt-tddft.dipole.dat")

plt.xlabel("Time (fs)")
plt.ylabel("Distance (Å)")
The result looks like this:

PT figure

It shows that we have successfully modeled the quantum proton moving from the donor to the acceptor under the HOMO to LUMO excitation using the RT-NEO-TDDFT simulation.

We are done with the RT-NEO-TDDFT tutorial!


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